Create your online Gallery with Adobe Portfolio

Create your online Gallery with Adobe Portfolio

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Oct 21, 2021

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Having an online gallery is one of the best ways to showcase your creativeness to the world however, the biggest challenge we face is it can be time-consuming.

Good thing, there’s an efficient way to collect photos, edit them, then publish it online. If you’re an Adobe Cloud subscriber, there’s a perfect platform for you.

Adobe Portfolio is an online photo management platform that keeps all your photos in one place. It is incredibly easy to use and you can create a curated collection of your best images, which you can share, download, and distribute.

This platform is FREE to any Adobe Creative Cloud plan subscriber. It also integrates with Lightroom, one of the most used photo editing software on the market.

Since it syncs with Lightroom, raw and edited files are compressed to optimize loading and viewing time.

It is also SEO-friendly! This means you can customize Meta Tags, add keywords, and image alt text to your gallery.

If you want to get an idea of how it looks, you may check out my portfolio here.

Creating your own Adobe Portfolio is a matter of choosing a layout and making a few changes to the design. It could take as little as 15 minutes for this entire process, but you can also leave time for customization.

If you’re ready to showcase your photography and editing skills,

Here are the 5 steps to create your Adobe Portfolio.

Step 1: Go to the Adobe Portfolio website then sign in with your Adobe ID.

Step 2: Select the “Get Started Free” button and you’ll proceed to a list of layouts where you can choose the style of your website. You can choose any theme/layout you want then change it later if you suddenly prefer another style.

Step 3: Click Edit your Portfolio to add media and modify it. You can group all related images, videos, and other media as one project.

Step 4: Add text and Description or details of your project. Don’t forget to insert the SEO keyword in your project and customize it to show in the search engine.

Step 5: Once everything is set, add your preferred Domain name or modify your Portfolio URL then click ’Publish Site’ to make it live.

To display your work from Lightroom to your portfolio, you can go to your Lightroom’s Connection Tab then add “Connection,” then select Adobe Portfolio.

That’s it. Easy, right?

You now have your own portfolio and it’s ready to be shared on your social media profiles. You may share your work on Pinterest with a link to your portfolio or add its website link on your Instagram Bio.
Let me see your portfolio, send it on my Instagram DM @presenceoptimization.

Optimize your portfolio and social media profiles to gain leads and conversions. Learn How to Optimize Digital Presence with the pdf I created that you can get here.

For more tips, social media hacks, branding, and presence optimization strategies, you may check out my Instagram at @presenceoptimization.

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