How To Balance Social Media For Business

How To Balance Social Media For Business

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Feb 21, 2023

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Hi,June here

As creators / business owners, we are all very aware of how important social media + online presence are. So why do we keep overlooking and procrastinating on our socials? Being consistent on multiple platforms can become overwhelming, so we keep pushing it in the non priority box, because it is ‘distracting’ us from other tasks. And this is all so true, social media is distracting, overwhelming and doesn’t feel like a priority at times, but consistency is key. That is why I wanted to share some tips on how to balance social media for your business. 

Set Your Social Media Goals

Start with setting goals, so you have direction and something to strive for. Do you want to use your social media to keep your audience up to date & entertained? Or do you want to grow your account, direct customers to your website or connect people to your brand? Get a clear vision on what you want to achieve with your social media channels, so you can find the balance that is suiting your business and its social media goals. 

Start Planning : Create a Social Media Plan

If you have found your overall goals for your social media channels, you can start planning out the steps to get there. We all know consistency is key, so create achievable steps around this. For example how many times you want to post, share on which channels. Create a (monthly, weekly, yearly) plan around this, so that you have your business’ social media balanced and planned out for the foreseeable future.

Automate Away : Use Tools

Our favorite daytime activity, the use of automation tools. When you have your plan and your content : use automation tools to schedule them. This will save you a lot of worry and you don’t have to balance it out with other tasks for your business. 

One of my favorite tools to use is Later because you can schedule for several platforms and channels at the same time.  But there are so many great (free) options too, just try it out and see which tools suit social media for your business best!

Besides being consistent & saving time, one thing I just love about using tools is that you don’t have to get on your socials to post every (few) days. With not having to get on your socials to post there is no room for getting distracted, swiping your time away and losing sight of your priorities. So perfect to balance social media for your business (& sanity). 


Not able, competent or willing to do a taks? Outsource it! If social media is burdening you, hire someone to do it for you. From your content creation, planning, writing captions to scheduling, you can hire someone to do it for you. This will make the outcome more consistent which will make it easier to balance the social media for your business. 

I myself am not a big fan of spending a lot of my time on my social media, so I have my team schedule it for me. Do you also want help with your social media management? Check out Qudoze & see how my team can help you!

Finding balance in social media for your business is really about finding what works best for you! So define your goals, create a plan & see how you can find your success with social media. 

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