I know right now, some of us just have to work from home and quite frankly the joy of the choice of being able to do so has been taken away. The benefits and advantages of Working From Home(WFH) used to mean that we could optimise on productivity, lessen the time on travel and have the pleasure of working in our pajamas.
All of that doesn’t feel like a win right now considering we are forced to stay at home. Being someone who has worked remotely for several years now. I just wanted to share with you some tools that you might really find useful.
I am not going to tell you to do all that remote working crap like get up and do some exercise. Dire times mean do whatever the fuck you want to keep moral high.
So without that crap that isn’t going to make you feel any better. Here are some REAL tools you can take advantage of:
3 actual TOOLS to optimise your work from home efficiency:
1. LOOM –
Maybe my FAVOURITE Chrome extension ever!
This plugin allows you to record the screen + a little live camera microphone recording that is SUPER helpful when you are explaining anything to a client, or who you are emailing.
It serves it as a weblink so no need to upload the video files at all. Our communications are made efficient & our clients LOVE it.
2. Gmail Chat –
Although I’ve been a strong believer in Slack, it can get a little messy with different channels and work tends to (if not integrated with a project management tool) like Trello/Asana, the work can get lost in messages.
All these messages are also saved within the Inbox, which means it’s recorded and can be searched later on. It is also just within your email web browser – SIMPLE!
3. Marco Polo –
This is an app that instead of sending just texts and images etc, you actually record videos and respond that way. This gives a bit of that more connected feel in a time like this where all we have is FaceTime.
It helps SPICE things up in our virtual chat life
Try out one of those 3 for now. Let me know if that was helpful. In my next post, I’m going to collect some of the best free resources that have been made available online.