Step 4: Creative Biz Model

Step 4: Creative Biz Model

Innovative business models are changing the world as we know it. There are many secret sauces as to how these businesses rate their successes. You will go back to our previous sessions as we dig into your core values and how you are going to identify the elements of what makes you unique. The output of this will be your ingredient to your own secret sauce.

I encourage you to share your creative business model on our Facebook page.

SummaryActionKey Takeaway
  • Social media is new and now the most important platform to connect with your audience 
  • Refer to your previous workbook answers to start pulling out parts
  • Start at your core- What is your value proposition 
  • Define you offer 
  • Understand how you are connecting
  • Download the Creative Biz Model HERE
  • Start structuring what you have already completed thus far. Things are starting to take shape.

Social media will be one of the most important places for launching your business. The structure of your business model will always start at your core- Your Why and value.

Next Step

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Reclaim time in your creative freedom by building better strategies & systems to grow your business while you create.

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