5 Ways to Diversify as a Creator / Influencer

5 Ways to Diversify as a Creator / Influencer

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Feb 16, 2023

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Hi,June here

Are you a creator & influencer that has found success in their niche?

Amazing! But with rapid changing times like ours and environments that are never really stable, it is always a good idea to NOT put all your eggs in one basket. So say hello to multiple streams of income (and ofcourse multiple ways to express your art and show your talents). 

Diversifying, expanding your ‘products’ or your ‘field’ of operations, will make you reach more paying clients, which will make your Creator Business grow & will make your financial future much more secure.

Here are 5 ways to diversify as a creator or influencer in 2023:

1. Brand Partnerships & Sponsored Content

We all know that Brands & Sponsorships can be a steady (and big chunk) of your income. You can promote products that you love and get money in return. Be aware of only working with Brands that are aligned with your personal brand and values. In that way these partnerships ‘make sense’ to your audience and will enhance your general message (instead of diminishing it). 

I know talking to brands can be a tiring back and forth, but getting to a steady, aligned roster of brands to work with can bring you so much: financially & for the strength and credibility of your brand. 

2. Online Courses & Workshops

They are popping up in abundance, but that is because it is such a profitable way to diversify as a creator. In 2023, people want to buy experiences, not things. Investment in self development & learning is bigger than ever and who better to learn it from than your favorite influencer?

Platforms as Udemy & Teachable make it fairly easy to create your own workshop or online course. For the marketing, you can just use your social media presence and you are ready to go. 

For deciding on the direction of your course ask yourself : What is my Unique Selling Point (what can I do that others don’t)? Who needs/wants to learn this? How can I explain / teach this to them? Et voila, the student became a master.

3. Merchandise

This one really never gets old, but as a creator / influencer it is good to acknowledge that you are actually an artist. And what do artists do to diversify? Yes, they create ‘Merch’ for their fanbase. So deep dive into your brand + branding and see what would be characteristic products that align with your brands.  If you are not a 100% sure, just ask the people who are going to buy it off you. Use your Social Media Channels to ‘test’ your ideas on your audience. And go ahead to start designing their fav’s.

4. Create a Podcast

Yes, your audience is following you because they DO want to know your thoughts on things. Even if your work is solely visual, a great way to diversify as a creator is to start a podcast. 

With relatively low entry fees, you can even aim for invites to shows of others, you can start spreading your word. Your spoken perspective will give your audience a more nuanced view of you & you will reach more people. There are also opportunities to get sponsorships on podcast or to get paid for attending one. 

5. Create a Digital Product

This is really the holy grail and an optimal way to diversify as a creator. Create a digital product (book, guide, presets etc.) once, make it available online & make money while you sleep. You need to invest your time in creating the product, but after that (when you get the right systems in place), sales and operations can be running without your involvement needed. Use your channels for promotion and see how sales are rolling in.

Because you don’t need to be involved in the process anymore, this income stream becomes passive and will leave you more time (& money) to create & focus on the things you love. 

Here and now diversifying is essential to any creator / influencer business.

It will secure (more) financial income, stability and freedom. Diversifying will showcase more of your talents, reach a bigger audience and take your creative business to the next level. 

And I mean, making money while you sleep, who isn’t up for that?

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